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Calling nominations for SAARC Women Entrepreneur of the year Award 2018:
Calling nominations for SAARC Women Entrepreneur of the year Award 2018:
This award is to inspire the next generation of women in power. Identifying and honoring women who possess vision, innovation, entrepreneurial drive, leadership, individuality and tenacity with the ultimate goal to present role models for other women to aspire.
Call us: 9484630
Email: [email protected]…/1FAIpQLSdUYzsKYPF2zO…/formResponse

Beginning of another venture…
Beginning of another venture…
Updates coming soon ….
Eid Mubarak
Ramadan Mubarak
Wish u all beautiful.and hard working ladies a blessed Ramazan. May all your prayers be answered and fasting accepted. Aameen.
Happy Mothers Day
All that we are and hope to be, we owe to our angel mother.
Meeting with UN Expert to formulate an Action Plan
Meeting with his Excellency Major General (Rtd) Asoka Thoradeniya. Sri Lankan Ambassador to Maldives
WEAM signed an MOU with NCTC to work together for the Development of Women through out Maldives
Development of Women
Development of Nation